
  • Parameters

    • args: {
          access_token: string;
          expires_at?: number;
          id_token?: string;
          profile: IdTokenClaims;
          refresh_token?: string;
          scope?: string;
          session_state?: null | string;
          token_type: string;
          url_state?: string;
          userState?: unknown;
      • access_token: string
      • Optionalexpires_at?: number
      • Optionalid_token?: string
      • profile: IdTokenClaims
      • Optionalrefresh_token?: string
      • Optionalscope?: string
      • Optionalsession_state?: null | string
      • token_type: string
      • Optionalurl_state?: string
      • OptionaluserState?: unknown

    Returns User


access_token: string

The requested access token returned from the OIDC provider. The application can use this token to authenticate itself to the secured resource.

expires_at?: number

The expires at returned from the OIDC provider.

id_token?: string

A JSON Web Token (JWT). Only provided if openid scope was requested. The application can access the data decoded by using the profile property.

profile: IdTokenClaims

The claims represented by a combination of the id_token and the user info endpoint.

refresh_token?: string

An OAuth 2.0 refresh token. The app can use this token to acquire additional access tokens after the current access token expires. Refresh tokens are long-lived and can be used to maintain access to resources for extended periods of time.

scope?: string

The scopes that the requested access token is valid for.

session_state: null | string

The session state value returned from the OIDC provider.

state: unknown

custom state data set during the initial signin request

token_type: string

Typically "Bearer"

url_state?: string


  • get expired(): undefined | boolean
  • Computed value indicating if the access token is expired.

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • get expires_in(): undefined | number
  • Computed number of seconds the access token has remaining.

    Returns undefined | number

  • set expires_in(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: undefined | number

    Returns void

  • get scopes(): string[]
  • Array representing the parsed values from the scope.

    Returns string[]
